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I am starting to use coworking spaces now because WFH has something of a toll on my family, primarily because kids are loud, and it can be frustrating to work while your loud kid is screaming in the next room without enough of a sound barrier to prevent you from hearing it. I'm not angry at my child, but sometimes I get upset with my wife for not preventing this, or for telling me it's not that loud when it is impossible to escape the noise.

(And when they're not being loud, they're being cute, and it's a tempting and easy distraction to go spend some time with them in the middle of a work day.)

In this sort of dynamic, I see working at an office as a fairly healthy option. I know it's a bit of an outlier (SAH mother + WFH father), but I'm definitely more productive and less stressed out working from an office.

What is your office like? The ones I've had dubious honor to work in is like you describe, but with dozens of noisy adult children in the same room with me, not the next one.

I agree with this to an extent. Our kiddos are old enough to be in school. But if someone is home sick, I have to take the day off because it’s hard to get anything done.

A reply to you mentioned noise-canceling headphones. That doesn’t work for me, because the kids want to engage and play with the parents when they’re at home. It’s not just a matter of noise.

That said! I still agree with OP’s sentiment. I find that I’m much more relaxed without having to worry about the commute. More time to help the kids get ready and just enjoy the moment. More time to walk them to school.

Before, I would be a ball of stress trying to get people out the door in the morning so I could catch one of only two buses that could take me across the bay to work.

Same thing in the evenings. More time to pick them up, walk home, take serendipitous side adventures and help foster their curiosity. I love it.

In Sweden, you have legally mandated days to take off specifically for kid related reasons, such as illness, which is quite neat :)

Yep, I strongly dislike working from home on days that the kids are home. But I also highly value the flexibility.

I've bought 28sqm apartment to be my office, few mins by foot from our apartment when the kid arrived. It is just better to split work hours and family hours better at that point. Better for everybody. If the main apartment/house is big enough I would not have felt the need to do it probably.

I would still not accept working from office jobs though.

> I know it's a bit of an outlier (SAH mother + WFH father)

Not much of an outlier.

In this economy? Maybe not in your income bracket.

Based on the data on this page[1] on households with kids:

57% have both parents working full time

28% have one parent working full time and the other not working at all.

The remaining 16% is one full time, one part time.

As another commenter pointed out - while not the majority, it's definitely not an outlier.

[1] https://www.bls.gov/opub/mlr/2020/article/comparing-characte...

In the US at least, it's like 2:1 ratio, maybe 30-35% of families with kids have a stay at home parent.

So, less common, but not an incredible outlier.

What's somewhat interesting is that at both very low and very high income levels, the % of stay-at-home parent is higher. So for people near poverty, or people making top 1%-ish income, it's less than a 2:1 ratio, more like 35-40%. For middle income like $40k-$100k, it's more like 3:1 or 4:1.

At no income level is it lower than 20% stay at home parent though, so not too much of an outlier in any case.

Noise cancelling head phones and some soft music cuts out any kid noise completely for me.

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