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only in tech...

can you imagine if selling a replacement bulb for a ford headlight required you to pay 30% to ford.

only in tech can this be considered fair.

I’ve got very bad news for you.. what do you think happens when Ford solicits bids for headlamps? Sure “you” don’t pay something to Ford. But Ford absolutely gets its cut

that's not nearly the same thing, stop it.

How is it not? Giant company vs tiny company. With basically all the profit being allocated to the giant company.

Yes it’s not software and yes the tiny company is not single-person company. But that really doesn’t change the situation (well except for you being seemingly personally affected). You can call this situation unfair and say that it _should_ not exist. But reality just disagrees with your assessment that it _does_ not exist. At least as far as I can see. Feel free to explain the difference that I’m missing.

And just for completeness sake: this isn’t even unique in software. Distribution commissions were usually in that order of magnitude. Even for less service and reach

I can buy a 3rd party bulb that I can put directly into a vehicle I own, how Ford sources the bulbs they put into the vehicles they sell or repair has nothing to do with that.

Steam deck recommends you purchase the official steam dock but they don't prevent you, nor do they take a cut of, 3rd party docks that interface with the steam deck.

only in tech would someone argue they should be entitled to a cut of that transaction because they _sold_ the original hardware to the user.

You can buy third party hardware to use with your apple products.

You can even install apps like altstore on iphones.

jailbreaking your iphone voids the warranty, replacing the the bulb with a 3rd party brand does not.

I pay ford, or some other distributor, 100% of the cost of the replacement bulb plus whatever their markup is when I purchase it.

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