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Here's a little story / timeline from 2009-2010 (from my perspective as a dev on Kindle for iOS):

* we submit the Kindle app ...including an in-app bookstore... to Apple for initial app review

(Note: multiple ebook readers with in-app bookstores are already on the app store at this point)

* several weeks pass with no response

* Apple announces in-app purchasing (to be released several months later)

* Apple rejects our app: we have to give them a 30% cut of all sales through the app, or remove the store and all references / external links to it. We chose option 2.

* Apple forces the other ereader apps to remove their stores or go with IAP. Several (most?) just gave up and pulled their apps entirely

* Apple negotiates agreements with most of the major book publishers that if they want to sell books on iBooks, ebooks must be listed at the same price on ALL stores, and have a 30% margin

* Apple launches in-app purchasing and the iBooks store (with the iPad announcement, IIRC)

...aka even if we (or any other ereader app) wanted to sell books via our app, the terms Apple set forth effectively meant that ALL profit from those sales must go to them (and we would have to eat the bandwidth / service costs on top of that)

Another random app store anecdote: way back when (2010?) Adobe made a feature where you could publish flash content as an iOS app. Like you build a flash game, hit publish, and an .ipa file comes out. So the feature goes into open beta, and a bunch of flash devs make iPhone apps, they work fine, they get accepted into the app store, users are using them, everybody's happy.

Then a few days before the feature was scheduled to leave beta and be formally supported, Apple changed the app store terms to disallow it, by requiring that apps be "originally written" in certain languages like objective-C or C++. Nothing to do with what the app did or how it worked, and no definition for what "originally written" specifically meant. And there were lots of other technologies for building apps by then, so of course they all freaked (though AFAIK Apple never actually enforced the new terms for anything besides flash).

Anyway shortly afterward Adobe reverted the app-publishing feature, and then a few months later Apple quietly reverted the terms to what they were before.

Apple is very much a subscriber to the Darth Vader School of Business: "I'm altering the deal; pray that I don't alter it any further."

You would think that as the web platform is starting to pick up things like WASM and many new capabilities that there are an extremely large set of apps all of a sudden where you would be insane to think about

- writing it in a different language that only really runs on one operating system

- pay $99/yr for the privilege

- at any point and for any reason you can be cut off from reaching your audience

- you have to pay them 30% of your revenue (not profit) for any money your application makes

- you can’t make updates in a timely manner

- you have close to zero avenues of recourse if you disagree with any of this

- the deal can change at any time and you don’t get a say in it.

Why the fuck would anyone choose that option in 2024 if they didn’t have to? It’s no wonder Apple went out of their way to try and cripple the web for over a decade now, it was only legal action from the EU that forced them to staff Safari properly about two years ago.

And even now, they still take any opportunity they can to make it look unattractive such as hiding the ability to install a PWA deep in a series of unrelated menus.

That’s a hostage taking business. Get out of that ecosystem if you can

> And even now, they still take any opportunity they can to make it look unattractive such as hiding the ability to install a PWA deep in a series of unrelated menus.

That isn’t true. It takes two taps. You tap the share button, then you tap Add to Home Screen. That’s it. That’s not “hidden deep in a series of unrelated menus”. It’s a top-level option.

And don’t complain about the “share” button – that’s just a bad name for what iOS users understand as the “Send/Put/Open this somewhere else” button. It makes total sense if you are an iOS user, don’t be misled by what people call it. People tap it when they want to “do something” with what they are looking at. It’s exactly the button you’d tap if you wanted to add a PWA to your home screen.

Go and find a random person on the street and ask them to install a website on an iOS device and watch what happens.

It is absolutely set up in such a way that normal people not only can not do it but don’t even know it’s possible.

I should be able to trigger an install prompt as a developer at a minimum.

> It is absolutely set up in such a way that normal people not only can not do it but don’t even know it’s possible.

Would you say that Apple are deliberately hiding how to bookmark a website and that people are unable to do that? Because you do that the same way too.

How about printing? Does Apple have a secret motive to stop people from printing? Because you do that the same way too.

The share button is the “Send/Put/Open this somewhere else” button. That’s just how iOS works. It’s not a devious plan. It’s a standard platform convention.

> I should be able to trigger an install prompt as a developer at a minimum.

This is not currently part of any web standard. It was implemented unilaterally by Chromium and hasn’t been accepted by any other rendering engine yet. It’s explicitly not on a web standards track:

> Status of This Document

> This specification was published by the Web Platform Incubator Community Group. It is not a W3C Standard nor is it on the W3C Standards Track.


I don’t understand why you’re acting purposely obtuse here.

They have a multi billion dollar incentive here along with a long history of actions all clearly focused on protecting that revenue stream at the expense of the web platform.

I’m making an argument that like any other application delivery platform I should have a clear and standard way for my users to install my software.

The reason we don’t currently have that is largely tied up in Apple yet again with the exact same incentive structure as every other time they pulled shit like this.

> I don’t understand why you’re acting purposely obtuse here.

Do you want to try that reply again in a less insulting way? Perhaps consider the possibility that people can have a legitimate difference of opinion with you without it being a stupid act?

Im not trying to be insulting but this also isn’t a legitimate difference of opinion scenario.

You tried to do a weird gotcha by claiming that the ability to install a web app is no different to print a webpage and implied that I was seeing conspiracies where there were none to be found.

I’m saying that the thing I’m talking about has a very clear difference when it comes to incentive structures and I know you’re aware of it because we are in the middle of a discussion about it.

So I don’t know what other conclusion to draw here other than you’re pretending to not understand the difference.

> Im not trying to be insulting but this also isn’t a legitimate difference of opinion scenario.

You are claiming that it’s literally impossible to honestly disagree with you; that the only possibility is that I’m deliberately acting the fool? Do you really believe that?

I feel like you’re getting more worked up here than the situation requires.

If you took offence at the original comment where I said you appeared to be playing games by ignoring something I’m sorry.

I am however asking that you present some kind of rebuttal rather than trying to make this a thing about polite discourse on the internet.

I made specific points, you came in talking about unrelated points, I pointed out that your reasoning had a major hole in it and now we are in a conversation nobody wants to be a part of.

Let’s just say we both understand why an install prompt and printing a web page aren’t the same thing because I think we covered that ground already.

To get it back on track, I’m saying that they don’t belong together and that when you listed all that other random set of actions people could do that appear in the same screen that this illustrates the point I’ve been trying to make from the start.

If the argument is “oh that’s just iOS, it’s totally innocent and how could you ever seen anything nefarious there” then make that argument but as discussed, it has major holes.

> I feel like you’re getting more worked up here than the situation requires.

I’m not getting worked up, I’m refusing to accept direct insults. It’s possible to do that without getting worked up. This place is supposed to be better than this and you’re falling short. If people don’t push back on behaviour like yours this place will be dragged down into the muck. Insults should not be tolerated here.

And telling people they are getting worked up when they complain about you insulting them, in itself, additionally insulting and inflammatory. Don’t do that.

> If you took offence at the original comment where I said you appeared to be playing games by ignoring something I’m sorry.

You didn’t accuse me of playing games, you accused me of “acting purposely obtuse”. You’re saying that I’m pretending to be a moron because my argument is far too stupid for anybody to really believe. You don’t get to put me in the catch-22 of either taking your insults without complaint or getting accused of being worked up. It’s entirely reasonable to reject your replies calmly until you stop being insulting.

> I am however asking that you present some kind of rebuttal

I already did that. You called it a “weird gotcha” and ignored it. I suspect you missed the point because you were so sure I was pretending to be an idiot. You are free to go back and read it again. If you still don’t understand it a second time, ask for clarification instead of throwing insults around.

Just to be clear… your argument is or isn’t “That’s just iOS and there’s clearly nothing nefarious about it”?

That’s my good faith understanding of the point you’re making at the moment so I will try one final time…

Do you care to address the incredibly specific point I’ve made repeatedly that that line of reasoning has a huge hole in it which you seem to be ignoring no matter how often I ask you to acknowledge it.

> which you seem to be ignoring no matter how often I ask you to acknowledge it.

I wasn’t ignoring it. I was refusing to respond to replies with insults. I have been very clear about that.

> Just to be clear… your argument is or isn’t “That’s just iOS and there’s clearly nothing nefarious about it”?


Your argument is:

> they still take any opportunity they can to make it look unattractive such as hiding the ability to install a PWA deep in a series of unrelated menus.

Let’s deconstruct that to three assertions:

- It’s deep in a series of menus

- It’s in an unrelated menu

- It’s being purposefully hidden by Apple.

I have pointed out several things:

- It’s a top-level item in a very commonly used menu.

- It belongs in that menu.

- Other items in that menu are also there for the same purpose.

- Apple has no incentive to hide those other items.

So right away, we can get rid of the first assertion. It’s not deep in a series of menus. That’s just plainly false, as anybody who has an iPhone near them can verify. It’s a top-level item in a primary menu. It’s a single tap away.

Next we move on to whether it belongs there or not. As I repeatedly point out, the “share” button actually exposes a whole lot more than just sharing. I’m not even certain “share button” is its official name, I think it might be called “action button” or something. You can consider it the “put this somewhere else button” because that’s what it actually means, even if the name doesn’t roll off the tongue. That’s the platform convention. That’s how iOS users perceive it.

Want to send it to somebody? Tap the button. Want to open it in a different app? Tap the button. Want to save it somewhere? Tap the button. That’s what the button is for. You are looking at something and you want to put it somewhere.

What else is in that menu? You can save a document to files. You can print it. You can bookmark it. You get a list of other apps you can open it with. You can add it to a note. You can copy it to the pasteboard. These all fit the same theme. You are looking at something and you want to put it somewhere.

Does “I want to put this PWA on my Home Screen” fit there? It absolutely does. That’s exactly where I’d locate the feature. You are looking at a PWA, and you want to put it somewhere. So tap the put it somewhere button.

So no, it’s not in an unrelated menu. So the second assertion goes.

Finally, is Apple purposefully hiding it there? Well, showing that it belongs there should be enough to disprove that, but there’s also more. What else is in that menu? Let’s skip over sharing to eliminate quibbling over “but those belong there”.

Saving a file isn’t sharing. Printing isn’t sharing. Bookmarking isn’t sharing. Opening in another app isn’t sharing. Adding it to a note isn’t sharing. Copying it to the pasteboard isn’t sharing.

Are all of those purposefully being hidden by Apple where users won’t look for them? How does hiding “Add to bookmarks” have a “multi billion dollar incentive” behind it? How does hiding “Copy to pasteboard” “protect Apple’s revenue stream”? Why would Apple even implement these features in the first place only to hide them?

They aren’t being purposefully hidden. They are all there because they all do the same sort of thing – the same thing that Add to Home Screen does. They take what the user is looking at and put it somewhere.

And users use this menu all the time. It’s not some obscure part of Safari you’ve got to dig to find. The average user has probably scrolled past Add to Home Screen thousands and thousands of times.

If Apple were trying to hide this functionality, this is the very last place they’d put it. They’ve put it somewhere that a) is accessible with a single tap, b) makes sense conceptually, and c) will be seen by users all the time. So the final assertion is no good either.

And like cpuguy83 pointed out elsewhere in the thread - this has been how you add a site to your home screen since day one, when Steve Jobs was telling everybody that web apps were the only way to build apps for the iPhone. At that point PWAs didn’t even exist. And that’s the spot they chose for it back then – before native apps were even allowed by Apple, when Apple wanted everybody to build web apps and add them to their home screens. It completely contradicts the idea that this is a hiding place where they don’t want people to see it. That’s where they chose to put it when it’s incontrovertible fact that they wanted people to use it.

So why is it that after this existing for so many years that nobody seems to even know it’s an option or how to do it.

Just to give a bit of context on my own background because it’s relevant here but I spent most of the last ten years running A/B tests for companies and then analysing the results.

One of the core truths in my particular line of work is that default options matter a lot more than people tend to realise.

So when you take an idea such as “I would like to install this app” and you then:

1. Don’t provide a way to ask users if they would like to do that.

2. Put it in a menu that’s cluttered with many other unrelated things.

3. Call it something entirely different “add to home”.

It’s not a mystery what is going to happen here. We are talking the overwhelming MAJORITY of people will have no idea and it won’t get used.

I’m just a random person on the internet so I’m not asking you to take my word for it.

It’s specifically why I mentioned the test before of go and talk to any person with an iPhone and ask them how they can install an app without the App Store. You can prove this to yourself tomorrow by asking ten people.

You can even incentivise them with money. They absolutely can not do it and will look at you like you have two heads.

They have no idea it’s even possible.

So the next logical question that comes to mind is why do you suppose that is?

There’s a few potential options:

1. They somehow have no idea that this is a problem their users struggle with.

2. They are bad a UI design

3. It’s an intentional choice to try and keep people in the dark while still avoiding any legal action for anti competitive behaviour.

I can only find evidence for one of those options but I have a LOT of it. It’s not a coincidence that it happens to align perfectly consistently with all of their other actions towards treating the web as a competitive application platform.

That’s just who they are and how they do business.

I think they gave you a clear answer to the difference:

The Web Standards Committee has decided the correct way for the web to work is that there is an expectation that a user understands how to bookmark something and can elect to do so if they choose. They don't make a part of any web standard a developer being able to ask a user to add a bookmark. So not just Apple, but on the standard web, developers don't have the install rights you are saying they should have. It's hard to argue it's a conspiracy by Apple when a standards body outside Apple has defined how it works.

Maybe enough users don't know how to bookmark on iOS. Could Apple do more to make sure they know how? Yes. But I don't think we should change the web to allow websites to ask to create bookmarks because Google Chrome thinks its a good idea.

Based on your comment I think there might be some misunderstandings here.

That committee you are talking about isn’t actually independent of Apple. They are a part of it.

Historically Apple have repeatedly used those exact committee bodies as a way to shut down a whole range of things that would bring the web platform closer to iOS in terms of capabilities.

The point about the bookmarking is also a bit hard to follow. I don’t know if this is getting a bit abstract or something so I’ll just restate my main argument.

Apple have repeatedly tried to make sure the web wasn’t able to compete with iOS and actively worked to get as much lock in on their platforms as possible. They have a terrible track record in terms of interoperability and as I stated numerous times in this thread they have an obvious reason for doing so.

The only point I saw them concede any ground towards a more consumer friendly and away from an overtly anti-competitive approach was specifically when serious talk of antitrust litigation emerged from the EU.

At that point they had a miraculously coincidental change of heart and began a hiring spree for Safari so they could try and close some of the more nefarious gaps with interoperability so they could point to it as evidence that they shouldn’t be fined billons of dollars and have new restrictions placed on them.

I am claiming that that looks like the text book definition of a conspiracy and you need to understand the arguments about installability in that wider context and the point you’re making about bookmarks is in no way relevant to what I’m talking about.

> That committee you are talking about isn’t actually independent of Apple. They are a part of it.

> Historically Apple have repeatedly used those exact committee bodies as a way to shut down a whole range of things that would bring the web platform closer to iOS in terms of capabilities.

That’s not what’s happening, neither for this specific case nor in general.

There are three major rendering engines: Blink by Google, WebKit by Apple, and Gecko by Mozilla.

It’s an ongoing theme that Google will write a spec. and implement it in Blink, then Apple and Mozilla will either reject it outright or not express interest, and then people come along and accuse Apple of “holding back the web”. This has happened with Web Bluetooth, with Web USB, and more.

In this particular case, the ability to trigger installation prompts from a PWA was originally part of the manifest spec. But it got removed because nobody was keen on implementing it as-is except for Google. That’s how it ended up in the non-standard manifest-incubations instead.

Now there’s a chance that further work will be done on it in manifest-incubations to the point where Mozilla and Apple think it’s worth implementing. If consensus is reached it could become a web standard in future. But just because Google implemented something by themselves does not mean that “Apple are holding back the web”. Google are not the sole arbiter of what constitutes the web platform and Apple and Mozilla aren’t obligated to implement whatever Google wants. This is a case of Google promoting something by themselves, not Apple holding something back. Mozilla and Apple are in agreement; Google are the ones acting unilaterally.

> Apple have repeatedly tried to make sure the web wasn’t able to compete with iOS and actively worked to get as much lock in on their platforms as possible.

There is no single organisation that has done more to push the mobile web forward than Apple.

That last sentence is truly one of the most deranged things I’ve heard all year.

You’re literally talking to an audience of largely web developers and trying to claim with a straight face something that they all know full well not to be true because they spent the last decade having to deal with Safari’s bullshit and lack of interoperability.

> That last sentence is truly one of the most deranged things I’ve heard all year.

You’ve really got to figure out how to disagree with somebody without being insulting.

Any web developer seriously asking for yet another web prompt is delusional. The web in general has suffered because prompts enrage and discourage users. We, collectively, need to rein in the ability of websites to bother us. It's what's needed to protect our privacy, and save our sanity.

iOS has "app clips" which websites can (and absolutely do) prompt you to use.

As for how to save a webpage to your Home Screen, that literally hasn't changed except maybe to have it together with other on-device interactions. It has been there since before there was even an App Store. It's not hidden in any way and never has been. It was demoed on stage by Steve Jobs.

The App Store is a scam, for sure. But Apple has not been crippling the web... at least not in the way you claim here (only one browser on the platform is sucky, but that's a different discussion).

> But Apple has not been crippling the web

Well, they definitely drag their feet on keeping Safari up to date, not unlike what Microsoft did with Internet Explorer 20 years ago.

IIRC, there are also some limitations in what web apps launched from the home screen can actually do, which are not in regular Safari - but I've not looked at this in a long time so I could be wrong.

What I do remember very clearly is that the common consensus, as reflected in data from app developers, is that people just don't know (or don't want to use) the "pin to home screen" feature. One could argue that Apple should, maybe, sprinkle on that feature a bit of the effort they lavishly pour on emojis, so that more people could be enticed to use PWAs. That would go some way towards reassuring developers that they are not slaves to the AppStore.

> Well, they definitely drag their feet on keeping Safari up to date, not unlike what Microsoft did with Internet Explorer 20 years ago.

It’s entirely different. After Microsoft killed the competition and gained >90% market share, they disbanded the Internet Explorer developer team for five entire years.

Apple releases a new major version of Safari every year like clockwork and pushes people hard to update.

> What I do remember very clearly is that the common consensus, as reflected in data from app developers, is that people just don't know (or don't want to use) the "pin to home screen" feature.

What data? The internal data I’ve seen across ~500 community apps is that when given a choice, two thirds of people use the iOS app, a quarter of people use the Android app, and about 10% use the PWA. And that’s across all users, including desktop.

“Don’t know” and “don’t want to use” are two entirely different things.

If people preferred PWAs and it was just down to Apple holding them back, there wouldn’t be any such thing as an Android app; people would just use PWAs on that platform instead. People don’t install PWAs because they don’t want to.

> Apple releases a new major version of Safari every year like clockwork and pushes people hard to update.

That's largely a byproduct of their attempt to keep support costs low by forcing yearly upgrades of the entire OS. Other browser makers release 10 times more often (literally!). When you're 10 times slower than everyone else (while being 10 times wealthier...), I think it's legitimate to say you're dragging your feet. The fact that they're not as atrociously bad as Microsoft was at its worst, doesn't mean they are not bad.

> “Don’t know” and “don’t want to use” are two entirely different things.

Come on now - discoverability and education are things. If Apple wanted to, they would make that feature so easy and promote it so heavily, that everyone would do it or at least know how to do it.

> If people preferred PWAs and it was just down to Apple holding them back

Don't strawman me, I never said that. I said that Apple is not making any effort to change a status quo where consumers are not keen on the feature, which tallies with your experience. There is nothing stopping them from aiming their reality distortion field at the feature, as a service to developers.

> Other browser makers release 10 times more often (literally!). When you're 10 times slower than everyone else

They aren’t ten times slower than everybody else. You can’t measure progress by counting releases.

> I think it's legitimate to say you're dragging your feet.

They aren’t though. Take a look at the Interop 2023 dashboard:


Or just read through the WebKit blog:


They are getting loads done.

> The fact that they're not as atrociously bad as Microsoft was at its worst, doesn't mean they are not bad.

Your exact words were: “they definitely drag their feet on keeping Safari up to date, not unlike what Microsoft did with Internet Explorer 20 years ago” and my point is that it’s very unlike that.

They picked up the slack only after they were shamed multiple times, including by websites like https://issafarithenewie.com/ (which now reflects their progress, very honestly). A brief look at items from the last several years will return lots of pretty bad press.

> They aren’t ten times slower than everybody else.

Just to mention one, WebRTC took 7 years to go from the first Firefox implementation to Safari. Chrome had it less than 2 years after FF, so I guess not 10x but 3x-4x - still a very significant lag, which is definitely not explainable by lack of resources.

But that’s just it – you are just mentioning one. No mention of the many, many improvements that were made. Safari has been advancing steadily every single year since it was first released. Which makes it an entirely different situation to Internet Explorer, which held the web at an absolute standstill for five straight years.

Sorry, no, not an absolute standstill. Windows XP Service Pack 2 tweaked how an HTTP header was handled. That was the most significant movement in the front-end development world in a five year period. Because of Internet Explorer.

Compare Safari 12 to Safari 17. Now imagine we were still stuck with Safari 12. That’s what it would be like if Safari “dragged their feet” like Microsoft did with Internet Explorer. They aren’t the same thing, not even remotely close. Anybody saying that “Safari is the new IE” clearly does not remember what Internet Explorer did to the industry, especially if they are saying it because of things like Safari won’t let websites vibrate your phone.

The difference is simply a function of smarter leadership and experience.

Of course nobody, today, would act exactly like MS did - that would make it trivial for people to see their game. Instead, Apple gives you something to show they're trying, "honest, guv" - but in ebbs and flows, only when pushed, and slower than everyone else despite being the most profitable company on the block.

To be honest, nobody would really care how many releases they push or how many features they push, if only they let other browsers compete on iOS. But they don't; so they carry a responsibility to be at the forefront of standards and look absolutely beyond reproach - which, at the moment, is not the case.

> The difference is simply a function of smarter leadership and experience.

Look, the difference is glaringly obvious: Microsoft brought front-end development to a standstill for five long years. Apple has not. Apple has continued to add features, standards support, and interoperability bug fixes year after year like clockwork.

This isn’t a matter of nuance. This isn’t Apple being “smarter”. Apple fundamentally has not done what Microsoft did in any way, shape, or form. The two situations are extremely dissimilar.

You’re replying to me here suggesting that they don’t cripple the web by providing an example of another proprietary thing that they control and has zero interoperability with any other devices.

I don’t know what to do with that argument other than to use that exact same set of facts to support my own point.

Also, that’s a nice historical fact that Steve Jobs once did a demo on stage years ago but my point was that nobody knows how to do it in real life or that it’s possible.

I’m explicitly making the argument that this isn’t a coincidence but is very much on purpose.

So you are saying they are crippling the web because they don't allow websites to add themselves to your home screen through a button on the page. OK. I'll cede this is to drive people to the App Store where they can get their cut.

I just want to be clear here that when I made that claim it was in no way just because of that but was a decade of actions (or largely inaction) where they made sure that the web platform would be missing lots of functionality that app developers would require to consider the web as a viable option for their software business.

> Go and find a random person on the street and ask them to install a website on an iOS device and watch what happens.

Go and ask a random person to install a website on any OS, and watch what happens

You do understand that the main thrust of my argument here is that it doesn’t have to be like that correct?

I should be able to prompt the user to install and it would just work.

I'm not receptive to allowing websites to prompt me for any reason whatever after observing everyone's behavior for the last two decades.

That’s very interesting but we aren’t designing the web around your personal set of preferences so I don’t know if it’s particularly relevant to the conversation.

I’m sure when it arrives like other APIs that require certain permissions you will be able to disable it and live in peace.

> That’s very interesting but we aren’t designing the web around your personal set of preferences

Indeed. The (collective) you are designing the web around maximum profit to stakeholders. People's interests and preferences don't come in to it.

Respectfully what are you even talking about…

How did we get from “I think app install prompts should be a thing so the web is on a level playing field with operating systems” to me somehow being responsible for the ills of capitalism?

I literally said you should have an option to opt out and your response was an impassioned speech about “the will of the people”.

I think this answers all the questions: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39029042

It's not just my preference. People would want a nice and easy button to install a webapp to their homescreen. People would not want alert boxes from every website they visit. The latter will happen along with the former.

I cannot disable these things when Apple has a profit incentive. I haven't been able to make the dumb Game Center thing permanently quit appearing. I guess they don't have a profit incentive, here, huh? So the result is that people who understand how to turn it off, will turn it off. Most everyone else will be trained to hit no instantly. A few people will have hundreds of webapps on their home screens like the browser bars of yore.

For the record; I completely agree that side loading should be possible with minimal barrier and it would be nice if web apps were more discoverable and integrated. But preventing websites from nagging people with a system-level iOS prompt is a feature.

> You do understand that the main thrust of my argument here is that it doesn’t have to be like that correct?

No, I don't

> I should be able to prompt the user to install and it would just work.

No, you shouldn't. Not until you prove that you can actually make proper prompts and not turn the web into what it is today: a collection of in your face modals, calls to action, popups etc.

I don’t even understand the “no I don’t understand the thing that you just said” response here.

I’m not sure where to go here if I’m supposed to be responsible for your sense of reading comprehension.

Honestly, the average person probably couldn’t find an app in app store without direction.

> So the feature goes into open beta, and a bunch of flash devs make iPhone apps, they work fine

We tried this at work at the time. They absolutely did not work fine. The best I can say about them is that they ran, mostly.

This was the topic of Steve Jobs' infamous "Thoughts on Flash" memo, which was essentially a blueorint for the coming iOS App Store walled garden strategy.

This may be the funniest and saddest thing I've read all year.

So $MEGACORP abuses their absolute monopolistic position in the market to underhandedly negotiate with book publishers and force their hand into working the way $MEGACORP wants: in order to gain access to $MEGACORPs completely dominated (but technically not a monopoly*) audience who wishes to buy books in a convenient way online, book publishers must bow down to $MEGACORP and pay the tax. Meanwhile, everyone else who sells books through alternative avenues is decimated because the audience only wants to buy books through $MEGACORP.

And you can replace $MEGACORP with both 'Apple' and 'Amazon', and it is 100% factually accurate. Beautiful. It's fucking turtles eating turtles all the way down.

It's not really comparable because Amazon never did anything to try to stop anyone from buying books through any other channel. The platform they do own, AWS, unlike the iphone, is perfectly open to competitors to Amazon's retail business.

Unless you count selling books at a loss to hurt their competition.

It's a less direct form of market manipulation and one that doesn't usually meet the US's legal standards for antitrust, but it's a strategy Amazon loves to use.

A quick google search doesn't turn up many good sources on that allegation. The best I could find says that they do make a small profit but at a much lower margin than bookstores, which makes sense given Amazon's business model. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-switch/wp/2015/07/13...

It's mentioned in the lawsuit which described how Apple orchestrated the publishing industry to raise its prices for Apple to have room to mandate a 30% share [1]

Amazon was selling eBooks at $9.99, for Apple it was an issue because they couldn't ask a 30% share from publishers AND compete at $9.99 because Amazon achieved that price due to wholesale volume-deals, and likely not with a 30%+ margin.

Publishers wanted Amazon to increase sales-prices from $9.99, but due to their wholesale model they couldn't dictate that. Even when they increased wholesale prices, Amazon kept their sales-price of many NYT bestsellers at $9.99 making a loss (probably to drive eReader growth).

Quote: "Amazon continued to sell books at $9.99, losing money, even when publishers increased the wholesale price of books they were giving the online giant."

[1] https://www.businessinsider.com/how-steve-jobs-and-apple-fix...

That article lists one example which "likely still turns a small profit", and contains allegations from other groups that Amazon is selling some books below cost.

That small margin above wholesale in the article's example is probably still effectively selling at a loss when you account for overhead of running the store, shipping, etc. It certainly would be for a smaller competitor.

Either of those represents a price that a competitor whose only business is selling books cannot compete with. Amazon can offer these prices as a loss leader because of their position in other markets, not because it has found a more optimal way to run the business of selling books.

News articles are for clicks. If they could find an example of selling at a loss, they would have used that because it would get more clicks. The fact that they couldn't find one tells me that the allegations are likely to be false. The fact that googling "Amazon selling books at a loss" didn't turn up massive amounts of articles from anti-tech media companies also tells me that. The fact that selling books at a loss to drive out competition (which is, in fact, illegal) is not even mentioned in the anti-trust complaint against Amazon tells me that the allegations are false.

>It's not really comparable because Amazon never did anything to try to stop anyone from buying books through any other channel.

Neither does Apple. Amazon prevents all of their sellers from selling their goods at any sort of discount anywhere else (including through direct-to-consumer channels).

>The platform they do own, AWS, unlike the iphone, is perfectly open to competitors to Amazon's retail business.

It's not apples-to-apples comparison. Here's a better one ... Amazon will gather competitive metrics from sellers on their marketplace (i.e. their 'partners' and 'costumers') and then launch a competing product, undercut them on price, rig their search (to prioritize their product) and ultimately drive them out of business.

Apple is bad, but their terribleness is limited to the Mac-iOS ecosystem ... Amazon is way worse.

> Amazon will gather competitive metrics from sellers on their marketplace (i.e. their 'partners' and 'costumers') and then launch a competing product, undercut them on price, and rig their search

Brick and mortar retailers do the exact same thing and make generics that are exactly the same as best selling brand names, put them in favorable shelf position, and even put "compare to <brand>!" on their labels. This practice has probably saved me multiple thousands of dollars over my lifetime, so it is definitely to the benefit of the consumer and I am 100% in favor of it continuing. If you, as a company, add nothing that can't be replicated to your product other than a brand label, then you deserve to be replicated and undercut. That is a perfect example of the market working towards the public good.

Nobody in the digital-marketplace business is a Good Guy. Unfortunately, sometimes we need two sets of scumbags to fight it out to find some decent compromise for society as a whole. See also: Miranda rights, VHS vs Betamax, etc.

Indeed - the irony was not lost on me of someone from Amazon complaining about Apple's anti-competitive behaviour. The difference is that what Amazon does is not limited to the book publishing space and a particular device. Amazon forces ALL of their sellers to normalize prices for all customers an all platforms.

> This may be the funniest and saddest thing I've read all year.

‘Funniest thing in a fortnight’ sounds less impressive.

You’re comment is actually funny, the OPs just makes one sad and frustrated.

This must be f*cking really hard with our culture. I for once can say that I have been reading less because Amazon's recommendation algorithm keeps throwing at me books with trendy covers that make me cringe. And same with the blurbs. Sometimes, if I manage to go over my cringe reaction to those two things, the book under it is actually good. Therefore, I get a feeling authors and publishers feel they need to imitate the crowd and make the book look childish from the outside, in order to mollify The Algorithm.

Have you tried storygraph?

And the losers at the end of the day, are the consumers. Amazon & Apple are still making money hand over fist.

Piracy: it's the only sure way out!

The missing part is that Apple's maneuver was to effectively destroy the wholesale model in favor of an agency-model, and orchestrate all major publishers to charge more for ebooks just so they can earn their 30% commission from it.

Apple actively engaged as facilitator to help publishers raise prices on the whole market, for a 30% cut.

The result was that books previously available for $9.99 were suddenly sold for $12.99

[1] https://www.businessinsider.com/how-steve-jobs-and-apple-fix...

To highlight the untold level of harm Apple caused, I now realise this event stopped me reading for years.

I loved ebooks and my reading went way up. They were cheaper than paperbacks and cheap enough that I was making curiosity and impulse purchases. The problem with digital sales is that unlike a bookshop, I could not browse and take a book from the shelf and start reading and get hooked.

Once ebooks suddenly jumped in price and absurdly became more expensive than paperbacks, I was done, and didn't buy a book for years. You might try and argue this was irrational, but when I feel I am being scammed, my wallet stays in my pocket. I will indeed cut off my nose to spite an asshole.

Jobs was deeply cynical about ebooks, claiming early on that Kindle would fail because “people don’t read anymore”[0].

There’s some level of irony in the fact that the most successful product from the guy who wanted to build a “bicycle of the mind”[1] ended up being something more like the floating chairs in Wall E.

0 - https://www.wired.com/2008/01/steve-jobs-peop/

1 - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KmuP8gsgWb8

Agreed, I only picked up reading again after finding Libby.

(A short story about how cheating the user with exorbitant prices results in the exit of your audience.)

I just looked and the last Song of Ice and Fire audiobook is 41€ in Apple Books. That is hilariously insane. I could perhaps pay that for all of them but for 1 — the others are basically the same price. That's 200€ for the set.

There are weirdly other audiobook versions that cost only 29€ so I wonder what's the story here.

Audiobooks are just expensive in general. A song of Ice and Fire is $39 in Audible on android (well it's on sale now for $27). Sadly $20-40 is a fairly normal price for a audiobook.

Yeah I think they are though artificially inflated by Amazon and co since why on earth can Audible sell them 8$ every month. Luckily there are a lot of old public domain books that you can listen to. Reading what Brandon Sanderson has to say about Audible to me was really revealing.

And many other folks will keep wondering what the story is for 41€!

My bad puns aside, thank god for libraries. Otherwise these stories would be truly lost to the rich.

What do you think it would cost?

It's a professional reading/acting out a full book in a professional studio, with at least an editor, a production team, a corrector. And the market for audiobooks is still very minuscule.

If a band of professional musicians can put out an album with original music and multi-track mixing for $10, a pre-written book with a single voice performer and minimal production crew shouldn't cost multiples of that.

> If a band of professional musicians can put out an album with original music and multi-track mixing for $10, a pre-written book with a single voice performer and minimal production crew shouldn't cost multiples of that.

Not saying this is fair, but musicians often do economically sub-optimal things for the love of creation and because it is a passion. Hopefully, the musician also gets added revenue from concerts.

The voice performance doesnt get the fame nor after-performance revenue -- so naturally they are charging market rates for their time reading. Further, most of the credit/glory goes to the author, not the voice performer. I doubt most people know who the voice performer is on audiobooks.

> the market for audiobooks is still very minuscule

> A song of Ice and Fire is $39 in Audible

Is this really surprising? Production costs for a single audiobook are _significantly_ less than something like a movie, but the audiobook is more than double the cost of seeing a movie?!? I straight up refuse to buy audiobooks based on the price alone. Ebook prices are bad enough, but audiobook prices are ludicrous.

Movies amortize their cost over a much, much larger audience than books do. A book that sells a 100,000 copies is a fairly successful book. A movie that sold 100,000 tickets is a complete flop.

Then add on top that Audiobook sales-volume in total is still smaller than book-sales, that Audible controls the majority of the US Audiobook sales, while the majority of consumption is actually their monthly subscription tier (which probably doesn't pay much at all). Then Audible takes a revenue-share of 30~50% depending on content, publisher and author also want to earn money,...

Then the audiobook of "A song of fire and ice" is apparently 33 hours and 46 minutes, which is more than 3 times the average length [1], so just the narration production-cost is 3 times higher than the average audiobook.

So overall there's not so much left to make a profit, leave alone break-even.

[1] https://wordsrated.com/audiobook-statistics/

The statistics on that page are interesting.

> Younger people are more likely to consume audio format, as 57% of Americans younger than 50 listened to audiobooks in 2021.

I know I only have anecdata (I'm in that cohort), but that seems off based on my personal experiences and the people I know. Perhaps 2021 was an outlier?

> Over 23% of Americans listened to at least one audiobook in 2021, 15% more than in 2020.

This also seems off. Almost 1 in 4 Americans listened to an audiobook in 2021? That seems... high.

I couldn't find a link to the source data used to generate those statistics.

Based on your link, you'd be looking at something in the range of $24,000 for ASOIAF. Even if you double that you're looking at $48,000. If we factor in 50% (WTF?) rev share with Audible, that's ~2400 units to break even. And then they are clearing ~$20/unit after that. Yeah, I know I hand-waved a bunch of minutia, but my point is that the volume of sales needed to start making a profit, even considering a large rev share, isn't _that_ high.

I can't stack that against sales numbers, but I'll say this, even if it's a legit price based on costs and volume that it doesn't _feel_ legit to _me_. As a result, I won't buy audiobooks. I don't think I'm totally alone. I can't say much past that.

> Based on your link, you'd be looking at something in the range of $24,000 for ASOIAF. Even if you double that you're looking at $48,000. If we factor in 50% (WTF?) rev share with Audible, that's ~2400 units to break even.

That's ONLY production-cost, it doesn't take into account the royalty/license for the actual content-author and the cut the book-publisher takes for "publishing" it. I doubt that the author takes a smaller share just because the book was recorded instead of printed.

If you assume that production cost should make up max. 10% of that revenue (like the actual cost to design a cover and print a book), then the break-even shifts ALOT farther away...

> Yeah, I know I hand-waved a bunch of minutia, but my point is that the volume of sales needed to start making a profit, even considering a large rev share, isn't _that_ high.

Yeah, the scale is indeed hard to estimate, and I can't find ANY statistics on the actual volume-size of the market (actual amount a bestseller Audiobook has sold)

But the stat from the same source stating that "Audiobook revenue accounted for around 3.8% of the book publishing" is an indication that despite glorious growth-figures of the Audiobook industry, the actual market-size is still VERY small even in comparison to the book-publishing market.

AND at the same time, Audible controls ~50% of that market, and drives consumption with Spotify-like flatrate offers.

Making big upfront investments for Audiobook production seems to be a risky call for a publisher then. Unless you have a title like ASOIAF and set the price at 36 USD I guess ;)

> Almost 1 in 4 Americans listened to an audiobook in 2021? That seems... high.

Yes. A book. That's one single book. As with anything, the majority will listen to a few popular titles like self-help books and Harry Potter.

No idea how you arrived at $24000 for ASOIAF and then decided to randomly double it

Given the lack of source data I can't tell if they talking X listens across Y population, or are they saying that Z individuals listened to at least one audiobook. Do you have some insight from another data source? If not, I stand by my claim that 1 in 4 Americans listening to an audiobook is hard to believe.

From the article in the post I was replying to[1]:

   Audiobook production is a multi-step process that requires equipment, software, a studio, and a narrator. Depending on the cost and availability of each of these aspects, the price of producing an audiobook can vary.

   * Generally, around 9,300 words of text equate to one hour of audiobook length.
   * The average audiobook is around 10 hours long, containing close to 100,000 words.
   * The average narrator charges around $200 per finished hour, meaning that the expenses on the narrator will amount to $2,000 for recording an audiobook.
   * On top of that, it is necessary to either rent a studio where the recording will take place or invest in the equipment and sound production yourself.
   * In either case, producing an audiobook will take between $4,000 and $8,000.
   * Some companies offer a complete production service for a fixed price, usually at the $6,000 range.

They are saying it's something on the order of $8,000 to produce a 10 hour audiobook. I tripled that to get to $24k since ASOIAF is a little over 33 hours, then doubled it just to account for things like more expensive voice actors or more expensive production. Keep in mind this was just napkin math to get a general range for what it would cost and I'd rather inflate it a bit just to be safe.

[1] https://wordsrated.com/audiobook-statistics/

For anyone interested, I think I tracked back to the original study.

Edison Research’s Share of Ear is a quarterly survey of Americans who are asked to keep a detailed one-day diary of their audio usage. Share of Ear utilizes a nationally representative sample of those age 13+. The sample for this study was 4,118

https://www.edisonresearch.com/the-spoken-word-audio-report-... or https://www.edisonresearch.com/solutions/the-infinite-dial/



I can watch the whole (insanely expensive to produce) TV series for $16/month.

No, you can't. What you can is have a million or so people pay $16/month which pays for these insanely expensive series.

So, let's assume Netflix. It has 247 million subscribers. You do the math.

An audiobook (and audiobooks in general) don't have that.

Don’t forget the kicker, that IAP at the time was unable to support more than a few thousand SKUs! And (iirc) that pricing, naming, etc for everything would’ve needed to be done through their atrocious web app.

Not exactly doable for the ‘everything store’.

Oh, lol, I totally forgot about those technical limitations! We couldn't even have done it if we wanted to.

Also hi :) long time!

Weird, this sounds super illegal, and anti-competitive, considering Apple has its own competing bookstore that's not subject to these fees.

In retrospect, yes, the consequences of what happened are now very obvious, but at the time, whilst there were a fair number of people sounding the alarm across the blogosphere, most people didn't care because the iPad was a hit, and the Apple reality distortion field was at its peak of effectiveness.

The situation is farcical and feeling sad for Apple or Amazon shouldn’t happen. Consumers lost whatever the outcome.

Completely agreed.

So Amazon won (and consumers lost), where we could have had Apple win (and consumers lose).

There was little to cheer about whatever happened.

That fine of 0.016% of their market cap will really show them!

That sounds a lot like price fixing and the same thing that Amazon is being grilled on with FBA

>Apple negotiates agreements with most of the major book publishers that if they want to sell books on iBooks, ebooks must be listed at the same price on ALL stores, and have a 30% margin

That's also what Amazon does, except with everything.

It's terrible what Apple is doing, but is peanuts compared to what Amazon does.

KDP from Amazon will always take a 30% or greater cut.


Again, if you're against government regulation, then you haven't seen a company regulate a market.

I did my first iOS development about a couple of years ago. Question, how in the world do you tolerate the storyboard XML files? One small change in XCode results in so many line changes. PRs are impossible to review with any confidence.

That's a big argument for SwiftUI, which replaces storyboards.

But if you must use them, keep each storyboard small enough it's only going to be used by one dev at a time to avoid conflicts, and then combine trusting the GUI won't make stupid XML plus some automated UI tests to make sure functionality isn't damaged by e.g. a button being deleted.

SwiftUI does not replace storyboards. It replaces UIKit(/AppKit).

You can build UIs without storyboards/Interface Builder in UIKit just fine. And writing your UI in code indeed easily solves the whole versioning conflicts issue that storyboards have.

So no, not a big argument for SwiftUI, but instead for writing UIs in code.

SwiftUI vs. UIKit and IB vs. code are two entirely separate discussions.

But yes, I totally agree, if you must use storyboards, keep them as small as possible.

> SwiftUI does not replace storyboards. It replaces UIKit(/AppKit).

Unless I've missed something, by doing the latter it automatically also does the former?

> You can build UIs without storyboards/Interface Builder in UIKit just fine.

Eh, perhaps the examples I've worked with of that were especially egregious (it's certainly possible given some of the other things very very wrong with that code), but my experience of such a codebase was very much not fine.

I have worked with lots of codebases using UIKit constraints in code. These were non-trivial apps (200k lines of code). You can create wrappers of your own to simplify things or use libraries like Snapkit. It works and there's no need to use Storyboards.

The bad codebase I'm thinking of was 120 kloc. But I'll take your word for it being possible to do better than that example, one example is merely an anecdote.

I think they want to make the distinction that SwiftUI is not necessarily to replace Storyboards, although it will replace them.

UIKit works okay in code. But unless you have experienced people actively laying groundwork, it's IMO more likely to be a mess than SwiftUI. Even the explicitly declarative part, Autolayout, will only be understood by like 10% of the team and the rest are kinda winging it. Using Autolayout outside of Storyboards makes it less declarative, so it is then more conducive to programmer error (like non-idempotent updates).

Answer: Don't use storyboards.

Do everything programmatically. Especially because the XML is not (last I checked) compile-time validated against the symbols it is using.

Apples behaviour vis a vis the App Store is the textbook definition of monopolistic practices. It’s beyond the pale these stories. The only reason I can think it continues is because there are a lot of AAPL holders in Congress.

Honestly this is the only thread of comments that really get to the meat and potatoes of why Apple can be evil although while making good product. Their evil must be curbed as they go out of their way with certain actions to completely punish their customers and partners.

Sorry but I can't find much sympathy for anything Amazon related when comparing with Apple. In my book they're both predatory.

Well all the same things would apply to any independent ebook store, it would just hurt them massively more than it does Amazon..

Perhaps the stance to take is that it was bad for consumers in the long-term, because monopolies aren't a good thing.

This doesn't affect only Amazon, it affects also all smaller online book stores

They are not sports teams.

We should be rooting for better outcomes for consumers. Not picking between which megacorp is less bad.

>We should be rooting for better outcomes for consumers. Not picking between which megacorp is less bad.

I will argue that pointing out the hypocrisy of a megacorp complaining about the anti-competitive behaviour of another magacorp, when it engages in the same type of behaviour but at a much bigger scale, is a pro-consumer move.

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