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Sorry to hijack your hijack, but I was/am in a similar position with my French/Italian/Portuguese/Dutch and more. I learned them to a high B low C level, but they've since faded from memory.

Trying to learn from language resources is painfully slow. Trying to watch TV or listens to podcasts is ineffectively difficult.

I'm building Phrasing[1] to tackle just this problem. We've just launched with all of the base functionality[2], including automatic analysis of native material to surface the most important words, phrases, and quotes specific to that material. We then make it dead simple to create flashcards-on-steroids which will automatically be applicable as flip cards, cloze cards, audio cards, and more.

When it comes to SRS, we:

- use our own fork of FSRS coincidentally (that's why I'm here hey )

- do away with scheduled due dates and actually try to keep the user engaged at a specific difficulty (you'll only see hard cards if you're doing well and 'can afford' it, you'll see easier cards if you're not doing well)

- dose out new reviews constantly, as it's better to make forward progress then to bang your head against all those challenging reviews

We just onboarded our second cohort of users, but we're planning to onboard another cohort at the end of this month. If you're interested you can fill out the beta application

[1] https://phrasing.app/

[2] https://blog.phrasing.app/phrasing-first-look

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