I've never heard of putting your salary expectations in your resume. It actually feels kinda inappropriate to me simply for the fact that when I get looped in on hiring I'm supposed to be assessing someones skills and not where they fit into the company budget.
And it would almost undoubtedly lead those not involved in the financial aspect of hiring to have inaccurate expectations around what their coworkers are getting paid. Potential jealousy in the hiring room?
It's totally fine for an employer to expect that info upfront but if you expect it then you should have a segment in your online application for it. Especialy because it feels like the kind of info that should be stripped out of a resume for deidentification/anonymization purposes before handing that resume around to the rest of the company.
Also because my resume is my resume. I'll tailor it for a job but it's more or less static. Just my 2 cents but I think a CV letter is probably a more appropriate place to put something that is so specific to a particular job opening.
Don't do that with a US resume, applying to a US company. That whole "first one to say a number loses" bit isn't 100% true, but it is generally true the more information you volunteer, the more you put yourself at a disadvantage.
OP is in the UK, presumably applying to UK companies. It's different over there.
And it would almost undoubtedly lead those not involved in the financial aspect of hiring to have inaccurate expectations around what their coworkers are getting paid. Potential jealousy in the hiring room?
It's totally fine for an employer to expect that info upfront but if you expect it then you should have a segment in your online application for it. Especialy because it feels like the kind of info that should be stripped out of a resume for deidentification/anonymization purposes before handing that resume around to the rest of the company.
Also because my resume is my resume. I'll tailor it for a job but it's more or less static. Just my 2 cents but I think a CV letter is probably a more appropriate place to put something that is so specific to a particular job opening.
Edit: I'm US based, if that makes a difference