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Aside: We need an alternate viewing filter for medium like how nitter is to X.

Every time I open a medium hosted link it is just unbearable.

Edit: The firefox reader view (F9) works very well at getting rid of Medium nonsense and making it clean.

Lately I've been realising just how many sites will not even show the main content without JavaScript enabled.

You mean to tell me you need JavaScript to show me a blog post that's 90% text?

Medium does surprisingly good without JavaScript, I can read comfortably without the nonsense.

Same could be said about logging in. Now that all my local shops manage a facebook page instead of a website, facebook nags me to hell and back to log in, and not even shows everything.

This article looks basically the same in FF reader view as the original, except for a banner that appears at the bottom in a private window that some cookie must've remembered I closed long ago. What am I missing?

Firefox reader is good, there's also scribe.rip which is like nitter for X.

E.g. https://scribe.rip/scrum-sucks-9960011fc5cf

Oh thank you thank you. This is so much better.

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