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Personally I have a Keychron V6, witch is just ok for it's price, but my complaint is that QMK have enough power to simply read a text file on a small flash memory even a raw memory flashed via `dd` wrapped by a simple script and made the customization much more comfy, without the need of recompile the fw, downloading ~1.5Gb of stuff simply mapping a physical key or key combination to a set of keycodes.

Second RANT to ALL keyboards OEMs: please add a damn service to print easily custom keycaps, a small example, being from the EU writing in few languages every day I've chosen the EurKey layout, witch actually does not exists on sales in some pre-build keycaps set. I have mapped differently some keys, MOST of them I know from memory, but sometimes being able to see the key is a very nice to have thing. Ok, keycaps normally are not really printed, meaning it's not cheap to produce custom ones, but if you damn ask 300+€ for a keyboard and someone buy it I'm pretty sure a custom keycap set does not change the game much.

Third RANT please STOP making cherry, OSA etc profiles. Very old IBM keyboards have solved the height issue with a simple parabolic support, there is NO DAMN REASON to make flat support and different height keycaps making limited room to move them on the keyboard.

> made the customization much more comfy, without the need of recompile the fw

Get someone to write a profile for https://get.vial.today/ support.

> add a damn service to print easily custom keycaps


> please STOP making cherry, OSA etc profiles

They are making them because people keep buying them. Turns out most people actually like typing on them.

People buy them because they like a curved layout. OP is asking for more curved circuit boards with keys all the same height so that they can use whatever layout they want. It makes sense to me, but I'm - like most people - stuck with what I can get which means QWERTY keyboard layout.

> Third RANT please STOP making cherry, OSA etc profiles. Very old IBM keyboards have solved the height issue with a simple parabolic support, there is NO DAMN REASON to make flat support and different height keycaps making limited room to move them on the keyboard.

Some of us like to experiment with various profiles (my favorites are MT3 and Cherry and I rotate them every couple months on my keyboards). You can try XDA and DSA profiles, they're qute flat.

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