Two isolated computers won’t get you very far in today’s network. They might get the auto configured 169.254/16 addresses and link-local IPv6, and get some Bonjour traffic but that is about it. But those protocols are not in TCP/IP illustrated.
Back in the times of IPX and NetBEUI that was indeed a useful activity - connecting two Windows 3.11 computers with NetBEUI was a nice way to learn Ethernet LLC-2 (yes, the connection-oriented Ethernet layer protocol :-) as it allowed to nicely trigger the DLSW to learn it.
Back in the times of IPX and NetBEUI that was indeed a useful activity - connecting two Windows 3.11 computers with NetBEUI was a nice way to learn Ethernet LLC-2 (yes, the connection-oriented Ethernet layer protocol :-) as it allowed to nicely trigger the DLSW to learn it.