Single data point for consideration: For some reason, I'm not leaving.
It's tempting to speculate on the motivation for even posting, because they aren't gooogle or amazon, and it's utterly uninteresting for any smaller company to have incidents once in a while.
Maybe the point was to show how frank they are about stuff like this instead of trying to bs everyone?
I guess one thing I do find pretty interesting is how all the comments have been "whatever I love'em"
To be fair, downtime is often posted for services popular among HN readers, I don’t think there’s malicious intent, it’s merely the acknowledgment of an incident.
The fact that the headline is USUALLY “GitHub was down” says a lot more than the individual post in isolation!
It's tempting to speculate on the motivation for even posting, because they aren't gooogle or amazon, and it's utterly uninteresting for any smaller company to have incidents once in a while.
Maybe the point was to show how frank they are about stuff like this instead of trying to bs everyone?
I guess one thing I do find pretty interesting is how all the comments have been "whatever I love'em"