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The new DMA law prevents combining data across products

Also, some companies stopped including the essential data in the email itself, eg. eshops won't list the products or tracking numbers directly in the order confirmation email, but only link to their website where gmail can't extract it. I think I've seen some airlines do the same, though most do include a boarding pass attachment.

Does it prevent it? I thought it just required explicit consent from users.

That's true it's allowed for users to consent to it.

I don't know that this is the reason people are noticing less cross over but DMA certainly makes it harder.

Really? If so, then Google should only apply it to European users and not the entire world

Just like how California is a big enough market that it drove emissions improvements in American cars, Europe is a big enough market that it drives privacy improvements in the world-wide internet.

Doing everything two ways is hard and we are a little short staffed atm.

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