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This and music control are the uniques cases where Siri Just Works for me. “Add toothpaste to my shopping list” no fluff no nonsense replies, just “I added that to the shopping list” - and it’s on my phone’s Reminders in that list.

I wonder how well they’ve optimised Siri for a just few specific use cases like this, because nothing else seems to reliably work on it.

Today for the first time I asked Siri for the weather forecast for next week and it actually replied in a sensible way.

Until now I have only been saying simple commands like "countdown n minutes" or "call my favorite wife" (I only have one but thankfully she is also my favorite.)

There are supposed to be huge updates to siri this year. So lets hope they don't mess up this function.

The last major update to Siri took it from passably useable to absolute trash. Let’s hope this does better

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