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> Agree 100%. Wind turbines killing birds is a disingenuous argument when it comes to climate change.

If the people involved in this conversation actually cared about birds, they wouldn't be worried about either. They'd be worried about cats. Cats kill about 20-55% of the entire US bird population every single year. Somewhere between 1.3B and 4B birds per year in the US alone. [1] And an order of magnitude more small mammals (6.3B - 22.3B).

It's several orders of magnitude more than turbines and oil-and-gas drilling combined.

Studies put the number of birds killed by wind turbines in the US at 140K-690K. That's 0.0035% to 0.05% of the birds killed by cats. It would literally be a rounding error nobody would ever notice if all the wind turbines came down.

I honestly can't believe we're still having this conversation in the context of wind power. Put some UV stickers or black paint on them and move on. [3]

[1] https://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms2380

[2] https://www.denverpost.com/2019/09/20/bird-population-decrea...

[3] https://group.vattenfall.com/press-and-media/newsroom/2022/b...

You've convinced me: we should replace all cats in the US with wind turbines.

I find your ideas intriguing and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

And wind turbine manufacturers would agree:

UK December wind generation: Generation: 2.6 TWh Subsidy/MWh : £86.68 Market Price/MWh: £75.00

Where are these figures from?

Older projects were subsidised much more but around half the current wind capacity has been built from 2016 with far less subsidy.

I'd personally rather a single nuclear power plant replace all the capacity, but honestly, as far as birds go, it'd be a no-op.

Yes, but that would be tempting the gods of irony with the possibility of a nuclear CATastrophe.

It looks like cats in the US only produce about 560 megawatts of heat, so you could probably do it with a single nuclear plant.

> "Cats kill about 20-55% of the entire US bird population every single year. Somewhere between 1.3B and 4B birds per year in the US alone."

Humans eat 8 Billion chickens per year in the US alone: https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/22287530/chicken-beef-fac...

Some 15 MegaKilos of chicken: https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/chicken-c...

The difference is that cats don't tend to have systems in place to ensure the food supply without eradicating the species.

Those are domestic chickens. Cats kill wild birds. Does that make sense?

My indoor cats haven't killed any birds in their lives.

My windows, on the other hand, take out a few every year.

Really though, I know the term "bird brain" exists in my North American lexicon but birds aren't THAT dumb. They can fly around large, opaque, moving objects with a rather high degree of accuracy.

I don't know shit, but I'm pretty sure the kind of birds cats kill are very different from the kind of birds that get killed in wind turbines, i.e. eagles

Not having any birds or small mammals to eat because the cats killed all of them is going to do a number on them too. Despite their ability to win a physical confrontation.

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