Humans will use whatever means available to us to spout bullshit, misinformation and peddle snake oil.
The Internet has just made it easier for us to communicate, in doing so it has made the bad easier, but it has also made the good easier too. And fortunately there's still a lot more good than bad.
So I totally disagree with you there, bettering communication only benefits our species overall.
Gay rights is a great example, we only got them because of the noise and ruckus, protests, parades, individuals being brave and coming out. It's easy to hate a type of person if you've never been exposed to or communicated with them. But sometimes all it took to change the opinion of a homophobic fuck was finding out their best friend, their child, their neighbour who helps out all the time, was gay. Then suddenly it clicks.
Though certainly the Internet is slightly at odds with our species; we didn't evolve to communicate in that way so it's not without its challenges.
The Internet has just made it easier for us to communicate, in doing so it has made the bad easier, but it has also made the good easier too. And fortunately there's still a lot more good than bad.
So I totally disagree with you there, bettering communication only benefits our species overall.
Gay rights is a great example, we only got them because of the noise and ruckus, protests, parades, individuals being brave and coming out. It's easy to hate a type of person if you've never been exposed to or communicated with them. But sometimes all it took to change the opinion of a homophobic fuck was finding out their best friend, their child, their neighbour who helps out all the time, was gay. Then suddenly it clicks.
Though certainly the Internet is slightly at odds with our species; we didn't evolve to communicate in that way so it's not without its challenges.