I just want them to make more of the USB and PCIe variants. They are so handy for little Frigate NVR boxes—throw one of these on a Pi 4 and you can do at least a few 1080p cameras with person/object detection, or with a Pi 5 I'm able to do a few 4K streams!
Currently the only way to get one is to pay scalper prices like $100+ on eBay or Amazon.
> throw one of these on a Pi 4 and you can do at least a few 1080p cameras with person/object detection, or with a Pi 5 I'm able to do a few 4K streams!
You can take the M.2 A+E version and throw it into an Intel NUC (replacing the wifi+bt card).
For me, the nuisance is, that the gasket-driver is not upstreamed, distros do not ship it, so you have to build it yourself and fool around with Secure Boot signing keys.
> Currently the only way to get one is to pay scalper prices like $100+ on eBay or Amazon.
I would really love to pick your brains on this. Did you do anything special with Frigate to do the stream processing ( hardware offloading etc? ) or was it simply plug and play.
Currently the only way to get one is to pay scalper prices like $100+ on eBay or Amazon.