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It was top billing in Democrat policy for decades, from Clinton through Clinton, and Biden did some too. Top billing in Republican policy was to oppose it and undermine it - remember the endless, pointless, virtue-signaling votes during Obama's administration by Congressional Republicans to kill Obama's healthcare plan. Remember he got it through on the slimist margin, through procedural maneuver, with (no? one?) Republican votes.

Organize and get the ball rolling. What are the problems? How do we solve them? You're not a customer or a victim; you tell them what they should be doing. Don't worry, most politicians will do anything to get some votes!

> Remember the endless…

I remember how the ACA was essentially a giant gift to the insurance industry, and that despite being mandated in most states, only increased the insurance rate by a few percent. Oh, and the vast majority of the increase in insurance was health plans with a $10000+ deductible. I remember how medical debt bankruptcies continued to climb after it was passed.

> Don't worry, most politicians will do anything to get some votes!

Before they get votes, they have to win the money primary. Then we get to decide which technocrat or self-funded billionaire candidate sounds nicest to our ear.

It’s time to stop thinking you can vote your way out of this. Our leverage is our labor.

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