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Pennsylvania SD Pay $200k After Decision to Block After School Satan Club (aclu.org)
4 points by rahimnathwani 8 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments


IANAS, and don't know boo about the case at hand - but it'd be nice to imagine that at least a few of the so-called adults around such cases were bright enough to conceive that the kids were far more motivated by teen rebellion and eagerness to push people's buttons than they were by actual "evil".

This is one of those few situations where the boo-hoo about the case is as simple and straightforward as it sounds.

TST applied for a permit to hold regular meetings for the affiliated middle school club on the grounds of the school district facilities (which they already let some other religious clubs to use). The school district initially approved that application, and then later walked back and rejected it “based on the controversial views of the club and the negative reaction of the community.”

I am quite baffled by the sheer lack of foresight coming from the school district people that made the decision to reverse the initial approval. They pretty much created a textbook example of a 1st amendment violation that had as much foreshadowing as the ending of the Titanic movie with DiCaprio.

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