When I've used chatgpt and bard to write example code, it's always generated a complete example, not half of one.
Of course, I carefully frame the query so that's what I get.
However, when I asked stackoverflow, google, and bard a question about how to do something with github, all I received were wrong answers. I finally had to throw in the towel and ask people. I think it was the third person I asked who gave an answer that worked.
google itself has an annoying habit of answering a fundamentally different question than what I type in.
Of course, I carefully frame the query so that's what I get.
However, when I asked stackoverflow, google, and bard a question about how to do something with github, all I received were wrong answers. I finally had to throw in the towel and ask people. I think it was the third person I asked who gave an answer that worked.
google itself has an annoying habit of answering a fundamentally different question than what I type in.