Xillenial here and the internet was a utopia when I first explored it.
Everyone you interacted with was similarly curious and interesting. All the content was some flavor of passion project.
I’ve recently been getting into ham radio because it has a similar feel to me as the early internet. You need a license and an outlay of equipment and everyone else is a hobbyist also. It’s not an app anyone can use with their thumbs.
I think we’ll see a backlash at some point where people abandon these app-driven spaces and we go back to grass roots communities.
> I think we’ll see a backlash at some point where people abandon these app-driven spaces and we go back to grass roots communities.
To some extent is has already happened. I've seen some upswing in niche forum use but nowhere close to the heyday. Sadly, most people seem to move into private chat channels.
Xillenial here and the internet was a utopia when I first explored it.
Everyone you interacted with was similarly curious and interesting. All the content was some flavor of passion project.
I’ve recently been getting into ham radio because it has a similar feel to me as the early internet. You need a license and an outlay of equipment and everyone else is a hobbyist also. It’s not an app anyone can use with their thumbs.
I think we’ll see a backlash at some point where people abandon these app-driven spaces and we go back to grass roots communities.
At least I hope so