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I’m sorry that you’re ignorant of every single indigenous culture but that’s really not my problem

No matter, you’ll simply make the following argument: that might makes right because those indigenous cultures couldn’t stand up to the genocidal domination tactics of property based thought right?

I know this may come as a shock, so you may want to sit down for this one: those indigenous tribes and cultures were genociding each other for millennia before Adam Smith ever wrote The Wealth of Nations.

Do you realize you responded precisely in the way I described a response to this would be?

This is how perfectly predictable this argument is.

And yet predictable != inaccurate

If I predict ahead of time that my plans to install a puppet government in Machuria and invade China are going to be compared unfavorably to Japan's actions in WW2, that doesn't somehow magically make the comparison inaccurate just because I predicted it.

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