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Is there a reliable overview of all such evidence that you can recommend?

>I know you’re all gonna laugh at this

Alas it is this attitude itself that might become laughable. I don't get what is so incredibly unbelievable about EMF interacting with biology, and I certainly hope we don't discover this the wrong way.

Unfortunately, there’s not, annd unfortunately a lot of it is really bad. I would just keep up with the studies that are being published and the sources of their funding. The website the environmental health trust has a lot of material that I would categorize as mostly reliable.


I think it is very unfair that your reply was flagged while the same level theory of OP comment is top ranked.

I’m not, I’ve been at this for a while. It’s very strong bias of those in the tech industry that there’s no problem with radio frequency electromagnetic radiation. I was the same way. I was a network engineer for Cisco Systems from 1996 to 2000. I would’ve said the same thing before I realized it affected me in the late 201Os. There’s been such strong propaganda from the telecommunications industry because of the money involved. Just the fact that people keep saying “radiation comes from the sun as well” is proof of this fact sis, it ignores the fundamental science of how radio frequency telecommunications work. Thanks, I appreciate you taking the time to comment about my post being flagged.

I’m not gonna post on hacker news anymore, there’s just too much noise.

I don't deny radio frequency electromagnetic radiation could be harmful. But clearly the change is behavioral and it is not the radiation that makes teenagers doomscroll 16 hours/day.

My point is that RFEMF may affect behavior and mood. This only adds to the biological stress of doom scrolling all day.


I think that's a lazy excuse, the same as saying the food in US is worse so that's the reason for the fat epidemic, not excessive eating mixed with a widespread sedentary lifestyle

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