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When I launched my first website about 15 years ago (a Fallout walkthrough site, if you must know), I used to discover new referrals and links every time I checked my analytics.

These days, even though my blog gets the same traffic in one day that my first sites got in one year, my referral logs look strangely empty. All the traffic comes from Twitter, Facebook, HN, and nobody manually links to anything from their blog anymore.

I think this shows a partial transfer of content from blogs and sites to social networks, and RSS has been hurt by this move.

Add to this the fact that the whole user experience about RSS has always been mediocre at best, and outright bad nowadays. It takes me something like 5 or 6 clicks to add a RSS feed to Google Reader, and that's after installing a Chrome extension.

So yeah, RSS will never die. But that's only because it's already a zombie.

For a good RSS user experience use Opera.

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