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TIL about The Liberator: The world's first open source compressed earth brick press. https://www.opensourceecology.org/back-to-compressed-earth-b...

A multiple-CEB unit that makes interlocking blocks that don't require mortar could build on work from this project.

Add'l notes on CEB, Algae, Sargassum, Hemp in the 2024 International and US Residential Building Code, LEGO-like Hempcrete block: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37693225

FWIU Round homes fare best in windstorms: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37175721#37188180

And curvy half walls one brick wide don't fall down

[CEB] "Crinkle crankle wall" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crinkle_crankle_wall

> A multiple-CEB unit that makes interlocking blocks that don't require mortar could build on work from this project.

They have a page about interlocking blocks and according to it, they are simply too expensive, as you need a higher share of cement in blocks to stabilize them.

Some interlocking bricks don't require mortar.

There's probably a way.

Are non-leaching bioplastic frames or filler comparatively economical for interlocking CEB?

> Round homes fare best in windstorms

Yes, it's about 4x less drag. That's why nomads have round yurts.

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