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This is really neat! It's kind of fun to play as an adult, but it also would make for a great educational tool for elementary school students.

Please understand that the reason I'm offering these suggestions is because of how much I like what you've made :-)

On mobile I would imagine the dragon drop UX is great, but on desktop it's fairly clunky. If I could type in the number with the keyboard and have it grab and drop the correct tile, that would be an awesome improvement.

It would be nice if there was a way to skip forward levels. The first time through the way you did it is perfect as it teaches you how to play, but every time after that it's kind of annoying (especially by the drag and drop interface on desktop). If there was a button you could click or something that would let you skip ahead to certain levels, that would be a real nice improvement.

This is really awesome work, thank you for sharing!

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