I'm confused, what kind of time measurement system is this? Are those 31 seconds versus 13 seconds? 0.31s vs 0.13s? If it's the first case, something is wrong with that machine, Hello World should not take that long. If it's the second, are we talking about 0.18s? See below.
> it's 3x slower to start up… it means that any bash script with a loop calling a java command will run 3x slower.
I don't know how you write your scripts, but in practice most scripts hang waiting for IO (especially network) or waiting for a specific command to process something...
> 3x slower isn't my definition of minuscule.
Nope, but based on what you've presented so far, unless I'm misunderstanding, it's my definition of "premature optimization".
double click selection issue. 0m0,031s vs 0m0,013s.
> I don't know how you write your scripts,
You know how… I put print hello world in them… that was the test you asked for?
> premature optimization
Not using something that has 3x startup time, for a short lived command is just "common sense".
I'm starting to think that the issue here is that you know java but don't know python or C, and you are unconsciously trying to get water to your own watermill.
Printing hello world does not show the cost / benefit of a tracing jit that needs to be warmed up over thousands of iterations. And counter example: it takes maven 0.788s to realize I don't have a pom.xml in my PWD and fail a build. It takes meson 0.163s.
Maven versus Meson is purely about architecture, just look at Maven's design.
There is a reason I didn't say anything about that aspect of JITs that you mention, it's because it's not relevant to commands which are launched from shell scripts and then exit.