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$1,599? Understandable that they need the ~$7m in ticket sales, given that they just posted ~$11bn quarterly profits. ;)

Based on some completely suspect math, having 1000 engineers available for the length of the conference "costs" apple ~40 million dollars in productivity:

num_engineers * total_session_hours * (revenue_per_emp / 2000)

where num_engineers = 1000, total_session_hours = 40, and revenue_per_emp = 2020000‡


Good point. Still, the $7m is a minor dent in the overall cost, so it seems almost insignificant.

I'd be almost willing to bet that because the cost is so insignificant to them, the WWDC ticket price is almost entirely meant to set a bar for the types of developers that Apple wants to attend the conference. Specifically, professional developers who make money from the Apple ecosystem, to which the ticket price is a pretty insignificant expenditure for the hopeful value that they recieve from being there.

I hear they made a rule internally that WWDC is supposed to pay it's own way. I certainly agree that it doesn't need to, but just thought you might find that interesting.

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