But nobody builds a road to nowhere. You only build a road when there is demand, often from property owners, to be able to reach a place more easily. Thus I repeat the issue is not the roads, they are merely a consequence of the property ownership increasing travel to a remote area.
Consider: would a road nobody traveled on be any issue for the tortoises? Clearly not.
Connecting two occupied points is the exact opposite of building a road to nowhere.
And see my point here about “linear” roads (connecting point to point) vs space-filling ones (providing access to an entire grid of houses). In short, an animal can exist very easily in the proximity of a single highway, but existing surrounded by development is a much harder task.
> Connecting two occupied points is the exact opposite of building a road to nowhere.
I'm at a loss as to why you even bought it up. My intial comment here:
roads | train lines built to connect A and B will often be followed by small townsites along the way and the spread of "off the grid" living at blocks T junctioning dirt road access from the new A <--> B route.
was about development following roads that connect places and that development expanding outwards into what was once "nowhere".
Consider: would a road nobody traveled on be any issue for the tortoises? Clearly not.