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I had Pascal and some Modula as well (on concurrent programming course).

I learned C++ later myself as a Pascal with bizzare syntax. I always felt like semantics of C++ was taken entirely from Pascal. No two lanuages ever felt closer to each other for me. Like one was just reskin of the other.

I already told this story multiple times, when I came to learn C, I already knew Turbo Pascal since 4.0 up to 6.0, luckly the same teacher that was teaching us about C, also had access to Turbo C++ 1.0 for MS-DOS.

I adopted C++ right away as the sensible path beyond Turbo Pascal for cross-platform code, and never seen a use for C primitive and insecure code, beyond being asked to use it in specific university projects, and some jobs during the dotcom wave.

On Usenet C vs C++ flamewars, there might be still some replies from me on the C++ side.

I learned C that way (algorithms class was in C), even had a little printout table of the different syntaxs for the same instructions (here's how you write a for, if, record, declare a variable, etc). At the time I remember thinking that the C syntax was much uglier, and that opinion has stayed with me since -- when I learned Python everything just seemed so natural.

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