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Zero Hedge's article [1] on the same references the Washington Free Beacon exposure [2] of 6 new allegations of plagiarism, "Half of Gay’s published works now implicated in growing scandal" from [2]

When it rains, it pours.

[1] https://www.zerohedge.com/political/harvards-gay-hit-new-pla...

[2] https://freebeacon.com/campus/harvard-president-claudine-gay...

Predictably, the Zero Hedge thing is just blogspam of the Crimson and Free Beacon --- it is itself a seeming instance of plagiarism.

I'm conflicted with zerohedge because it seems like a decent source for useful market info but also posts so much garbage that I don't really want it in my Twitter feed that much

I read this, long ago and found inner peace with respect to this topic:


Here's a piece to read on ZH's background:


Yeah I only found it recently and that seems about right. They're fast which is nice but that doesn't that outweigh the constant info-wars talking points

everyone just copies from each other now. one original source for every hundred copycats

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