not rumors, in legal docs, I haven't read the docs yet but someone else wrote a post claiming they were primed with several paragraphs of the article (I'm not sure what to believe, but the screenshots were disturbing)
(n.b. this is a complex problem and the scenario isn't quite so simple, if I hire an artist that creates work with a copyrighted figure / use a site that gives me random images it created that I know to sometimes replicate copyrighted figures, its not the artist / site / even me having the image in my possession that's a problem)
(n.b. this is a complex problem and the scenario isn't quite so simple, if I hire an artist that creates work with a copyrighted figure / use a site that gives me random images it created that I know to sometimes replicate copyrighted figures, its not the artist / site / even me having the image in my possession that's a problem)