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> I currently have to deploy Django-Piston directly from a master branch on GitHub due to some terrible decisions made by developers who never gave deployment a second thought. Avoid this.

JFTR, there is a pretty good solution for this (because in the real world, you can’t always avoid that): a custom pypi server.

You take a git version you know that works do a `python setup.py sdist` und push it to a private repo. We have to do stuff like this for Sybase drivers for example which are open source but not in PyPI (or any distribution). It saves so much pain.

> As for separation of code and configuration, I simply mean that in my case I use Debian packages to deploy all of our software.

Well we do the same but the Debian packages contain code _and_ the virtualenv.

> Overall, I think we are saying the same thing, with slightly different tools we normally reach for.

Mostly yes. Just wanted to add the pypi tip as it hasn’t been mentioned yet in this thread.

Nive tip about the private PyPI server. I might use it in the future if we end up in the same situation again.

Also, one more nice thing about using distro packages for your own deploys: if you ever need to mix Python with anything else it is a godsend. For example, at one point I had a network sniffer/userland packet forwarder that was written in C deployed alongside our Python daemons. Debian packages do not care what you put in them: C, Python, JavaScript or pure data.

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