OT: Are there any alternate HN front-end that fix this? I don't want to create an account to see the thread. I know there are browser extensions, but for security reasons I only enable ones that are vetted by Mozilla. I think HN used to have a "web" link for paywall bypass, but I don't see it here.
Not quite the same. You'd need to open the comments, scroll to find it as it's usually not the top comment or missing. Often Twitter links appear in comments too, not just the submission link.
There are extensions that will "nitterize" twitter links among others, but TBH the one I have been using is now unmaintained and I need to find another one.
You would be accessing Twitter posts through a 3rd-party service, which would see everything you would see. Because, you know, it can't be any other way?
So your insistence on 'privacy' yet 'only vetted by Mozilla' is misguided at best.
I think you misunderstand. I'm not concerned about the privacy angle, I just don't want to create a Twitter account. Twitter no longer shows threads if you're not signed in.
Re. Mozilla vetted extensions, I cited security, but would love to learn something new about privacy if you'd like to share more.