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Some people consider "from the river to the sea" to be a call to genocide of Jews. Because, of course, they ignore the simple fact that majority of Jews don't even live in Israel [1]. And to call for a Palestinian state from the river to the sea doesn't say that Jews people cannot live inside it. And ironically the likud party which dominated the Israeli government the last couple of decades have almost the same sentence in its first point on its charter [2] and no one calls this a call to kill all Palestinians (Although some say it in public [3][4]).

[1] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_population_by_country

[2] https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/original-party-platform...

[3] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_to_Arabs

[4] https://www.politico.com/news/2022/05/29/israel-jerusalem-ma...

>Some people consider "from the river to the sea" to be a call to genocide of Jews. Because, of course, they ignore the simple fact that majority of Jews don't even live in Israel [1].

so it's only genocide when you're trying to wipe them out entirely? if you only wipe out a quarter, for instance, that's not genocide?

I didn't say that. This is just you trying to bend my words. I did say that from river to the sea does not mean that Jews living in Palestine will be wiped out. If you think that this the meaning that's fine. I just hope that you consider it the same when the other side use almost exactly the same slogan (interesting you ignored that)

Apparently that's a call for genocide and calling for a "Sinai Solution" a la the Madagascar Plan is just business as usual.

Do the people chanting that believe that to be a call to genocide or people who don't want them to be able to chant that?

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