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While I could be persuaded to agree with some parts of what you said (I'm 23 and made that 100k mistake, but have already paid it off), I think you are missing a major point and probably wrong on the whole as a result.

You're assuming that everyone is like you, that everyone is able perceive the maze and to navigate themselves to the finish. I imagine most of the HN audience is in this boat. The reality is that most people can't do that. Most people are only able to accomplish something if you tell them what it is, show them how to do it, and help them along as they do it. This probably won't change anytime soon. It's not something that gets better with education, but the fact of the matter is that Society told our generation that if you go to college and work hard then you will do well, or if you save up and invest wisely you will have money for retirement. This simply isn't the case anymore.

Agreed. Do we want to punish those who aren't savvy and well-connected?

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