People who consider themselves responsible for their situation are said to have an internal locus of control. People who do not consider themselves responsible for their situation are said to have an external locus of control. It is important to note that internality and externality represent two ends of a continuum, not an either/or typology. We notice, for example:
"In industrial and organizational psychology, it has been found that internals are more likely to take positive action to change their jobs (rather than merely talk about occupational change) than externals."
Herein lies the data everyone's crying out for, I think.
There is a term in psychology called the locus of control.
People who consider themselves responsible for their situation are said to have an internal locus of control. People who do not consider themselves responsible for their situation are said to have an external locus of control. It is important to note that internality and externality represent two ends of a continuum, not an either/or typology. We notice, for example:
"In industrial and organizational psychology, it has been found that internals are more likely to take positive action to change their jobs (rather than merely talk about occupational change) than externals."
Herein lies the data everyone's crying out for, I think.