When I was an undergrad I wanted to go on and earn an MA in Library Science. I love information science and books, bookbinding, publishing, archives, &c. But after getting a great heart-to-heart talk with a university Librarian friend, I saw the writing on the wall and saved a lot of money.
I'd like to think that I've redirected at least some of that interest (except for the book binding and preservation component) into programming.
The iron grip that the publishing industry has upon anything library is absolutely stunning. There is so much potential for disruption, yet all the valuable IP (journals, indices, etc) is locked up by centuries-old monopolies. It makes Blackboard look like a puny little troll.
Hi Wyclif,
If you are interested in books/book binding and programing I would love to speak with you. Shoot me an email at patrick (at) dodocase (dot) com.
* Highest unemployment rates by major *
1. Clinical psychology 19.5%
2. Miscellaneous fine arts 16.2%
3. United States history 15.1%
4. Library science 15.0%
5. (tie) Military technologies; educational psychology 10.9%
* Lowest unemployment rates by major *
1. Medical technology technician 1.4%
2. Nursing 2.2%
3. Treatment therapy professions 2.6%
4. Medical assisting services 2.9%
5. Agriculture production & management 3.0%