I've noticed an uptick of the "poor maligned Microsoft" angle lately. It is a boorish tactic to neuter counterpoints (essentially the yang of the "fanboy!" rallying cry). I would argue that many Microsoft products get a pass they would not get from any other company.
I tried Skydrive with OneNote, imagining a world of integration and usability. It was a horrible failure, not least because Skydrive has a comical latency for changes to propagate, rendering it useless for many purposes. Add the terrible, terrible UI. Further the "bundled" angle is a tactic that most consumers and businesses are rightly wary of now, and it gives Microsoft little advantage.
Dropbox has nothing to be afraid of from Microsoft. And eventually Microsoft will simply abandon SkyDrive (after various rebrandings) and leave adopters in the lurch.
I know a lot of people who are switching back to Live and Office 365
In the real world, their products do real work. Why not praise that? Fuck consumers - who cares! Business is where they make a killing because their products fill all the gaps.
OneNote works fine for me. Latency is usually in the seconds range which is fine. I don't think you'll be switching devices every 5 seconds. Even on a shitty O2 GPRS connection it's fine for me.
>I've noticed an uptick of the "poor maligned Microsoft" angle lately. It is a boorish tactic to neuter counterpoints (essentially the yang of the "fanboy!" rallying cry).
There are a bunch of MS haters around, even on HN.
For example, Microsoft watcher and insider Paul Thurrott's site http://winsupersite.com is hellbanned on HN(banned from even appearing on the new page), most probably due to excessive flagging from haters and fanboys of other platforms, while Gruber's posts get top billing.
> I would argue that many Microsoft products get a pass they would not get from any other company.
I've flagged Gruber in the past for posts that were contentless flamebait (in my opinion, of course).
I don't know what the story is with Thurrott. Because of the banning, it sounds like a special case that the mods of HN have ultimately decided on, not just the users. So I'm ok with believing that it's not just a story about factions and groupthink.
I've noticed an uptick of the "poor maligned Microsoft" angle lately. It is a boorish tactic to neuter counterpoints (essentially the yang of the "fanboy!" rallying cry). I would argue that many Microsoft products get a pass they would not get from any other company.
I tried Skydrive with OneNote, imagining a world of integration and usability. It was a horrible failure, not least because Skydrive has a comical latency for changes to propagate, rendering it useless for many purposes. Add the terrible, terrible UI. Further the "bundled" angle is a tactic that most consumers and businesses are rightly wary of now, and it gives Microsoft little advantage.
Dropbox has nothing to be afraid of from Microsoft. And eventually Microsoft will simply abandon SkyDrive (after various rebrandings) and leave adopters in the lurch.
I know a lot of people who are switching back to Live and Office 365