Let’s be pedantic here and get all religious over the words “Science” and “hard”.
Computer “science” has a difficult conceptual problem with caching. The optimal cache, this science tells us, is indistinguishable from a fortune teller who is never wrong (oracle). Fortune telling is a “hard” problem for a science based on reasoning. The best we can do is hedge bets (which is what the science of caching focuses on).
This same science also has a difficulty with naming things. Now numbering things is easy and science loves maths and maths love sciences, but science and letters have a more difficult history. Science would approve of “factoryfactoryfactoryImpl” btw ... it’s “a rational scheme of naming”. .
Here we see a “science” that is facing actual difficulties.
The rest of your list are difficult but not “hard”. The science of these matters is clear and the rest is up to the “scientists” struggling with “scope creep” and “bounds checking” ..