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Ask HN: Possibly relocating to Mountain View, what to expect?
1 point by dclowd9901 on April 23, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment
I've been talking with a company recently about a position I might be taking up with them. I'd be relocating from the Southwest. It's not a lock yet, but I want to know what to expect if/before I get an offer.

I'm curious what other HNers have experienced in terms of relocation packages, and what I should account for myself.

Bonus: How did the cost-of-living change affect you?

_Starter_ housing is in the $1.2 million range. Gas is $4.50-ish. State income tax for high tech folks is in the 9-10% range. State sales tax is 8.25%. Welcome to Taxifornia.

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