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This is excellent, I was looking for an open source replacement for Google Maps on the web for a while.

And on the top of it, it is open source! I am heading to github and see if I can contribute.

Personally I am using [organicmaps](https://organicmaps.app/) which is using OpenStreetMap data, and it works really well.

I'm wondering if you've tried Magic Lane products and can compare?


MagicEarth (which seems to be a MagicLane product; https://www.magicearth.com/) is my daily driver navigation app. I prefer it over Google maps for everything routing related. The only thing Google is better at is showing me relevant metainformation about places (when is this restaurant open? What is this doctor's telephone number and website?), and that's the only reason I'm keeping maps on my phone.

Can't say that I have no, but I would like to try it out given the chance!

Organic Maps has no Web app. Well, they have a very bare Web app, unusable.

I wish (for the general public) there was both a Web app, and mobiles apps under the same names and maturity.

You can also use https://www.qwant.com/maps as OSM base web app

I wish, but like I said below, it's not developped anymore. The company got bought by the french cloud company OVH. There are multiple complaints of stale OSM data in the github issues.

Let's hope they want to make a public and open source map part of their europaen google alternative.

For a web app I'm fine with using https://www.openstreetmap.org/.

oh nice, and it's on f-droid too. is it more responsive than the fairly sluggish osmand~?

OrganicMaps is incredibly snappy compared to OsmAnd~.


maps.me is the most popular app of that kind.

Never heard about it! Thank you very much!

[edit]Apparently organic maps is maps.me without the tracking[/edit]

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