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It's complicated isn't it.

Yes. As a guest or visitor. I am granted a lot of deference. Especially in someone's home. Chinese are very friendly.

But China is modernizing, progressing, very rapidly, and much of that has a human cost. So think it still is correct, that OP was implying, that China will not be as worried about controlling AI. As many fear, China will use AI for surveillance and control.

I imagine you're correct if we're talking about the elite enjoying more legal privileges than us mere commoners. Both counties do have have that in common.

Let’s ask the Uyghurs about those legal privileges.

The Uyghurs are a particularly interesting case. Like several Chinese minority groups, they are entitled to extra points on the 高考.

Unlike other minority groups, it appears to be relatively common for universities to discount their score by that amount.

Extra points on some stupid exam are supposed to make up for genocide/extrajudicial internment?

China makes Saudi Arabia look like a paragon of human rights.

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