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What we'd do for a bunch of them is put the indication and black box warning in a position:fixed element. That text would be the start of the full fine-print on the drug. When you scroll the fine print section into view the now redundant fixed warning would hide. e.g. https://www.botoxchronicmigraine.com/ https://www.skyrizi.com/

Also the FDA won't let you dismiss a box warning. It needs to be visible on the page at all times. A cookie warning can be more annoying because it can be dismissed.

Here's an example using the fold https://alexiononesource.com/soliris

Really this was a print agency that thought of web developers as an unfortunate cost center necessary to make their photoshop follies into web pages. It was a really tough case of no one knowing their audience too:

- html email designs with complicated 9 slice borders that are impossible to render consistently

- the real audience for the web site is the client's internal network, who are on IE8 or even 7 (9 had been out for a long time) and you want features I need to hand code in JS or 9 slice.

- the real real audience is the legal review, so it's worth it to develop a tool to capture the whole site to a PDF they can mark up including drawing a "fold" line on the page

None of the sites I'm linking here are ones I wrote, just examples.

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