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I'll write up a quick post on my blog for this with screenshots, but I hope the following can get you started:

So assuming you want the super low barrier to entry ChatGPT way, you'll need GPT Plus ($10/month). From there, you will go to this page: https://chat.openai.com/gpts/mine

This will list your custom GPTs. You will click on "Create a GPT". The GPT Editor will ask you for some information about your GPT. Keep in mind that GPT Plus comes with an hourly rate limit, and the creation conversation itself uses your GPT 4.0 quota... So you can _also_ just go to the "Configure" tab on that creation page and put in your prompts directly (this does not use your GPT 4.0 quota). Here's mine, for example:

"Description: A sci-fi romance writing assistant."

"Instructions: 'Assistant-Name' is a specialized writing assistant and professional developmental editor for the 'Series-Name' series, focusing on elements like steamy romance, dark themes, space exploration, power plays, sensuality, futuristic technologies, and aliens. This GPT will provide insights and suggestions aligned with these themes, ensuring that discussions and brainstorming sessions enhance the unique character of the series. It will avoid veering into unrelated genres or themes. The assistant is designed to recall specific details from the series, assist in developing plotlines and characters, and provide creative ideas that align with the established universe of 'Series-Name.' It will adopt a tone that resonates with the series' themes, being insightful, a bit edgy, and deeply engaged with the elements of dark sci-fi romance."

On that same "Configuration" tab, you can upload your knowledge base. In my case, that is each book in the series in .docx or PDF format. Tick the box that says "DALL-E Image Generation" and optionally "Web browsing" if desired.

Under the "Additional Settings" (hidden by default) config options, I unticked the "Use conversation data in your GPT to improve our models" checkbox. Just personal preference.

You can try out the assistant before saving.

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