Off the top of my head, Marmokrebs, the north american crayfish capable of asexual reproduction, is invasive in China, Taiwan, and Japan, although more prevalent in Europe.
> Lantana camara (common lantana) is a species of flowering plant within the verbena family (Verbenaceae), native to the American tropics ... it was brought to Europe by Dutch explorers and cultivated widely, soon spreading further into Asia and Oceania where it has established itself as a notorious weed, ... L. camara is listed in the IUCN's “List of the world's 100 worst invasive species”.
> Cecropia peltata - Invasive in Malaysia, Africa, and Pacific Islands. Native to tropical Central and South America
> Chromolaena odorata - Invasive in tropical Asia, Africa, and the Pacific. Native to Neotropics.
> Euglandina rosea - Invasive in Indian and Pacific Ocean islands. Native to the southeastern United States.
> Leucaena leucocephala - Native to Central America, invasive throughout other tropical regions.
> Lithobates catesbeianus (American bullfrog) - Invasive in Central and South America, the Caribbean, Western Europe, and East Asia. Native to eastern North America.
> Micropterus salmoides (widemouth bass) - Invasive worldwide. Native to the eastern United States
> Mikania micrantha - Invasive in the Pacific. Native to Neotropics. ["Pacific" here includes "Nepal, covering more than 20% of the Chitwan National Park", says]
I stopped at this point. There may be a few I missed or didn't get to.