This is a wildly armchair question, but can't we just model human's ability to adapt to change and then as a result determine if technology will be sufficient to save us from impending environmental collapse? I suppose this is a multi-trillion dollar open question...?
We have many examples of us both adapting and failing to adapt, and can therefore say things like "adapts X% of the time", except in those cases the solution has often been "move elsewhere and/or fight other people" which I think isn't useful because it doesn't work so well on a planetary scale unless and until interplanetary travel is as easy as the Mayflower/Plymouth Rock journey.
Might still be useful for general governance just by characterising dangerous parts of the phase space[0] where dragons be so they can be avoided.
[0] how does phase space differ from latent space anyway?
There are no system that have zero changes.
Only models that don't or can't account for the changes.
If one is not humble enough to remember all models are wrong, but some are useful, there is not much we can do.