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> Measured by annual average alcohol consumption in the US before and after prohibition, the 21st amendment was a huge success.

That begs the question by assuming that's a good measurement. Is it? Since prohibition ended, has alcohol become so uniquely destructive here (compared to all other alcohol-allowing societies) that we've wanted to ban it again? I'm of the strong opinion that it's not.

> I think temporary society-scale prohibition when drug use becomes a widespread societal ill is good policy.

Add that to the long list of things I agree with in principle, but reject in practice. Our timeline of such experiments is a series of social disasters.

In any case, I think there a clearly distinct categories of drugs. I don't want to live around meth users, because drug itself makes them paranoid, irritable, and hard to be near. I couldn't care less if my next door neighbor smokes weed.

You likely live around well-adjusted prescription meth users and don't know it.

In the same house, even! There's a huge difference between a low dose taken under a doctor's supervision and a recreational dose taken as large and frequently as desired.

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