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Am I the only immature one who laughed at the title?

I was recently diagnosed with rectal cancer. Damn near everyone's got high res images by now, why not James Webb too.

My Ph.D. work was on a robot called Uranus. Let's just say it was the butt of many jokes. Like when my advisor was fixing it once, and I said "get your head out of Uranus!"


  > butt
Was that deliberate? Just randomly curious!

My priors are at 100%

Absolutely opened the comments for the jokes....

We'll just have to wait for it to be re-named in 2620

Why wait until the ass-end of civilization?

It's a reference to Futurama

You called him out on not catching the reference. You Wrecked Em'!


They knew exactly what they were doing. All the work put into that telescope was just building up to this very day.

To be fair — and unfortunately — the original title is different: “NASA's Webb Rings in the Holidays with the Ringed Planet Uranus”.

The submitter actually changed it from the original title (unless the title has been updated since it was submitted).

Not quite the same ring as the original title of "NASA's Webb Rings in the Holidays with the Ringed Planet Uranus", but the rings are off a bit from your normal planet, so maybe that's OK?

We really need a national program in the US to change the pronunciation. It would be more accurate to actually pronounce it "ooranus".

...butt yes I giggled.

I learned to prounounce it like "Yer-in-us" -- which results in different jokes, at least.

I think it's a base human nature to find humour in such things.

As the saying goes: "You can grow old, but you don't need to grow up."

I'll take this opportunity to say it should be called Caelus

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