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You can communicate those ideas specifically without hiding it beneath the veneer of relatability. The entire post started with this bit:

> But, come on: you never took us too seriously about K8s, right? K8s is hard for us to use, but that doesn’t mean it’s not a great fit for what you’re building. We’ve been clear about that all along, right? Sure we have!

which already starts the post in a bad space for the reader. I have cognitive whiplash from what is intended. "We DON'T like Kubernets UNTIL WE DO but then WE MIGHT NOT IN THE FUTURE". Clear meaning is far more appreciated.

We're not trying to sell you so much as we are trying to put you in the headspace we are in building this stuff. Your summary (we DON'T until we DO but MAYBE NOT) does feel pretty true to life!

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