Let's not forget Dr. Yamanaka's contributions to iPS techniques. I keep seeing these trump hESC in all of the primary literature I read (granted, much due to the political stigma of hESC funding).
For example, I've been reading all the literature about the establishment of an antigen deficient RBC precursor line from iPS for replacing blood donations wholesale. We're a long way off since globin expression is wrong (fetal vs adult; thus O2 binding kinetics are wrong; T/R states...), and there are a wide variety of other issues. Unfortunately globin switch is epigenetic / in histone coding...
iPS are amazing and have an incredible future in medicine.
For example, I've been reading all the literature about the establishment of an antigen deficient RBC precursor line from iPS for replacing blood donations wholesale. We're a long way off since globin expression is wrong (fetal vs adult; thus O2 binding kinetics are wrong; T/R states...), and there are a wide variety of other issues. Unfortunately globin switch is epigenetic / in histone coding...
iPS are amazing and have an incredible future in medicine.