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> Netflix also displayed the ratings as 5-star "adjusted ratings for the viewer", which already took your preferences into account.

It was not adjusted to your preferences. It was adjusted by algorithm to ... something that has nothing to do with my enjoyment.

Netflix, famously, had a public contents to try to improve the recommendation system, with very little success. [1] That system was a demonstrably good system, that maximizes preference, but only if you rate a bunch of content. I'm not aware if it's still in use.

But, I've rated many hundreds of shows/movies, and the rating is very accurate, for me. Very biased and scaled, but completely predictable/reliable.

In my case, the rating can be corrected with Netflix 7 being my 0, and Netflix 10 being my 10, mostly linear. For a Netflix show, 8 is my 0, since those are biased a bit more.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netflix_Prize

0 means it wasn't worth the time. Negative means I disliked it.

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