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You should try "Obliterated", its hilarious, it doesn't take itself aerious, it plays with almost all TV tropes we know (in a good way), references everything from Rambo to Die Hard and has an eye for detail (every scene hints at something or is important in some regard). Also, episodes 2-8, each roughly an hour, cover an in-series time frame of 7 hours, which is a bice touch. Throw in good acting, good dialogs and liekable characters and you uave a great show.

Bonus: No brand name stars in it neither.

Obliterated was universally panned by critics. But so have many shows which were panned in their era, and are now considered classics.

So would you recommend watching it?

Heck, absolutely! Doubly so if you liked the 80s and 90s action flips and Hangover!

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